Data Team

The Data Team is responsible for collecting data given by BCPC members and then informing members on what the data means, ie. Where BCPC’s work should be located. Currently, members of the Data Team include individuals from Rutgers University, Newark Community Street Team, Newark Street Academy, My Brother’s Keeper, Opportunity Youth Network, and the City of Newark. 

Taking a data-based approach, our performance will be measured based on a reduction in crime rates in the catchment areas, specifically Lower Clinton Hill (near Stratford) and the Heart of Clinton Hill, near the 5th Precinct. The larger reduction observed, the better the collective is performing. Ideally, this data will be used to not only show the benefit that the collective as in the City of Newark but will serve as an example of why taking a holistic approach to trauma-informed care is the most sustainable way to prevent chronic and collective violence. 

The objectives will be achieved through data collection by BCPC members, led by the Data Team, a team of skilled individuals tasked with collecting, analyzing, and visualizing data. The data seeks to take a critical look at factors that contribute to crime in concentrated areas like environmental decay (abandoned buildings and houses, poorly-lit streets, etc.), high drug trafficking, and large population of unemployed residents.